Services |
Our Price |
Competition Price |
Pc setup |
$100 (full Setup) $50 (Basic Setup) |
$99 (full setup) |
Virus Protection |
$20 (install Only) (existing) |
N/A |
Tech Help |
40/h ($1 per Mile) 30/h (remote client) 20/h (In-Store) 80/H ($1 per mile) |
$140 (onsite) $30 Per 30 min (instore) |
PC Building |
Parts + 20% Labor 50/h |
N/A |
Mobile Tech Help |
Setup- $15 Learn- $40/h (adjustable) |
Tech Help $15 |
Regular component Install (pc) |
Install- $20 If component is ordered +20% Fee |
Install $29.99 |
Warranty |
1 Month - $50 3 Month- $135 6 Months- $270 12 Months- $540 10% discount an bundle and Free tech help for 6-12 Month subscriptions |
N/A |
Health Check for existing Computer Catastrophic Repair |
$50 (1 Billable hour) (virus removal included) $100 (2 Billable hour) (copy of report on desktop) |
N/A $250 |
Virus removal Only |
$25 (receipt) |
Drive Upgrade |
Part (20% markup if we buy) $20 install |
Sign waver for intake. We break, we replace for free. Cash, Card Crypto PayPal Coinbase. Commercial Ups account. Aftermarket Part cannot be guaranteed.